Living On Romans 12:11-13
Two things happened today.
1. You showed up.
2. We showed up.
“Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.”
You showed up. Let me tell you. You showed up in ways that I wasn’t expecting. My phone was ringing, dinging, and pinging all day with prayers and posts for our family. That was incredibly humbling and so encouraging. I haven’t been with Annie but brief FaceTimes and text messages about dinners and kids, but I know it has impacted her as well. You kept our faith fueled and aflamed today just like the verse said.
We showed up. It was awesome. One of Annie’s students, our youth group student, my mentee for five years is heading to Orientation tonight for the Air Force. We have said for five years that Angel was my mini-me and one of our own kids. I cannot begin to count the conversations and dinners we have had together. We planned a big send off months ahead of time, but due to the virus, that got cancelled per the Air Force. Then Annie created a a parade for him and it was amazing. We almost cancelled it because of our own stuff, but decided that should not happen! Annie could not go but the kids and I led the parade of cars and I had her on FaceTime for it. He told me tonight that it meant the world to him. That was ministry today. Church!
We are living out Romans 12:13: Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.
We aren’t quoting, no matter what the test results say in the next two to five days. You are praying hard for us and it’s giving us spiritual fuel and emotional encouragement. It’s amazing. This is what’s going to separate just casual FB Christians and the ones that walk out their faith. You are helping us walk it out, and hopefully we are helping you as well.
Annie’s fever broke late last night. Praying that everything else breaks tonight! We got this, because God has this.