Flowers & Negative Results
Miracle after miracle. Did you know two years ago today Grace was home from the NICU and I showed her, her first flower. Her eyes were lit like Fourth of July. Then fast forward it to today and she helped me plant this seasons flowers. Her eyes were just as big and hot her hands dirty in the process.
Miracle after miracle. Annie was locked in our bedroom since Saturday morning waiting for results for her Covid test. We prayerfully talked through what if scenarios and so many prayer for her. Finally we have the results today and they are negative. Talk about a family reunion when she ran out of our bedroom. The kids almost knocked her down giving her hugs.
Miracle after miracle. I am celebrating tonight. I am so humbled and thankful. I’m also prayerful because I know to many that haven’t been able to plant flowers with their baby girls. I know to many people that didn’t get the “negative” result back and are facing possible life shattering decisions tonight. God isn’t done if your miracle hasn’t happened yet.
What is your miracle that you need tonight? I want to pray for you. I want to stand beside you and declare your miracle to happen for your home tonight. Please reach out and let’s pray together. Let’s see God do something spectacular!