Be A Lighthouse
Today has been a fun day. I helped several team members get setup to work remotely. Taught an art class during my lunch to my boys on how to draw lighthouses. Conducted an interview for someone to start working remotely. Then did some family fun stuff. I had a decision to make when I first woke up, just like you did. Am I going to worry or worship? Am I going to shine a light to give hope or am I going to cower in the dark?
Today I drew lighthouses with the boys. I taught a lesson why they were so important and still a major landmark for sailors today. Lighthouses are examples of stability. Without the light shining through a storm, there would be so much loss both in lives and product. That light shines regardless if there is a calm sea out, raging hurricane, or fog so thick the sailors couldn’t see the bow of the boat.
That’s just like our light. We have the opportunity to shine when everything is great. We have the opportunity to shine when everything is in turmoil and life is upside down. We also have the opportunity shine a light when we do not know what lays ahead.
Much like a lighthouse, the people in our communities are facing challenging and unstable times. As lighthouses, we are too! Make the decision to shine your light today! Encourage, inspire, and speak truth. Be safe and make a difference. Shine on!