5 Weeks, But Who Is Counting?
How is quarantine doing for you? Are you staying busy? Have you binged watched Netflix, Prime, and Disney+ yet? Do you know every song from Daniel Tiger and all the versions of Baby Shark? How are the algebra and GT assignments going? Lost internet on a conference call yet? Better yet did Amazon ring the doorbell during the kids nap time?
Again I’ll ask how quarantine is going?
Ok now a little more perspective. We’ve been quarantining as a family for five weeks now. It’s getting old. I want to go to a park and hug everyone I see! Having youth group on zoom is not the same! But then I think about Noah. Remember him from the felt board Sunday school classes? He is the one that God told to build an ark, grab two of every animal, have provisions ready, and trust that it’ll work out.
Do you realize Noah was in that boat filled with his family and thousands of species of animals for a year. A YEAR! I know you heard the 40 days of flood…but the earth had to flood and then dry out and regrow again to sustain wildlife! Again…a full year in a boat…without the internet or iPhone.
So tonight I watched the NFL Draft with my boys. It was weird watching the picks being streamed, but we did it and had fun. This is where we are folks. I know you are tired. I know you are scared. I know you are wondering when it will all make sense again!
But remember, Noah had to have those thoughts and more. As we are in our arks at home with our own kids/family/significant others shut off from the outside world…embrace the fact that God is still God. God is with us, just like He was with Noah. Noah held on to the promise for a year before stepping onto dry land and releasing all the wildlife from the ark. I’m sure he didn’t plan for that to be the case! Know that after a month of quarantining, we have it really good!