You’re Going to Miss This
Yesterday was a little crazy.:
- We woke up and had 2min of coffee before all three kids got up asking for breakfast, baby shark on tv, and to get on the video game system.
- I spent all day at the kitchen table working remotely trying to get two of my team members setup to take calls for next week.
- I took a conference call while changing a diaper and the 5yr old crying because his older brother looked at him wrong.
- Annie spent all day remotely trying to upload high schoolers grades, while being an elementary teacher to our own kids.
- Our oldest made up a story of losing his homework…even though we haven’t left the house in two weeks.
- Then lunch for me and nap time came for the kids….30min of peace….as long as you don’t count every 10min or so asking if nap time was over.
- Fast forward, to when we turned our computers off and began to clean the house.
- That went pretty well….actually it didn’t. But you get the idea!
While I walked out of the boys room giving up on trying to explain why it takes more than 5min to truly vacuum to them…my wife walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face and turned on the Trace Adkins song, “You’re gonna miss this” from her phone. We began to slow dance in our little kitchen and got through the first chorus…then Grace began to cry in the living room…and the boys began fussing/screaming in the playroom. Then we divided and conquered the craziness.
It put things into perspective for me. We are so blessed. It’s scary outside the house, but inside I am spending more time with my family than ever before. I need to embrace this. I need to thank God not only for His protection and provision, but also for Him giving us the opportunity to be together. Twenty years from now I’m going to miss the spills, interruptions, baby shark songs, and brainstorming for fun family activities for everybody. That’s precious stuff!
God, thank you for allowing us to get back to our roots on what family is all about. It’s not about driving to a practice. It’s not about Netflix to make everyone happy. It’s not about leaving early to get to the office or staying late to make the extra buck. I’m looking at the quarantine as a way to get refocused with all my kids and my wife. God may you give us peace, protection, and restoration during a time of crisis. Amen.
Remember, you’re going to miss this being quarantined. Hug the ones you are with today.