Spilling Milk and Other Things
My boys love to pour their own drinks. Unfortunately, not all of the liquid gets in the cup. Some spills are worse than others.
The ginger ale spill. My oldest loves ginger ale and he will grab a two liter in a heartbeat and pour himself a glass. Often times, he will get distracted and look away only to fill the bubbles and drink spilling over his fingers.
The milk spill. My youngest son loves milk. This guy will drink milk all day, every day. He reminds me daily, that he is a man and therefore being a man he can pour his own cup from the two gallon jug. Ninety-five percent of the time he is good, but it’s the times that the jug hasn’t been previously been opened yet that gets him. It’s to heavy and he over pours, with extra milk spilling over the glass.
Then their is the heart spill. My boys have this issue but so do I. In fact, we all do. It talks about it in the Bible.
“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45 NIV
What we have going inside will eventually spill over to the outside. Ever see the person that is just happy. The “I’m blessed and highly favored” folks! I love them because they have the joy bubbling over and spilling from the inside out. Then you have the, “well this sucks” folks that are hunched over and defeated, and that sadness/anger is raging from the inside and bubbling over to the outside. Yuck…I can’t be around them to often. Plus you have the posers that are trying to put on a show on the outside, but eventually the mask will crack, and their true selves show, bubbling over.
It’s biblical folks. Take half the time you normally take in the mirror, and invest checking and grooming your spirit! Ask God to heal you from the inside and watch what happens on the outside!