Remember The Alamo!
We drove through downtown San Antonio, TX this afternoon. I’ve lived here for 14 years and I have never seen anything like it. Maybe a dozen people walking around in a city of over a million. We felt so alone.
I took the family to the Alamo. We were able to park beside the road and admire it from the street. I had the kids reflect on what the Alamo meant for the city and the nation back at its time as a fort and mission. I compared it to our family today! The soldiers, families, and volunteers quarantined themselves because the enemy was all around them. They loved hard and defended themselves as best they could.
We have an enemy outside our house today that is circling around us during the quarantine. But we are standing strong. We will fight against fear, anxiety, and sickness. I told them what made the defenders of the Alamo so powerful was the fact that they joined together and really relied on each other to get through it. The kids understood it and even got pumped up a bit.
Chances are, your house is your Alamo today too. Remember as you are hunkering down, that God is there with you as well. John 14:18 says Jesus will not leave you comfortless, bereaved, or helpless. That’s huge. In the morning He is with you and your family. In the afternoon He is with you and your family. In the evening He is with you and your family. He is for You! He is in the battle with us!
So today, remember the Alamo. Remember that God is our general, He is our commander, and He our Daddy. He has not forgotten you. Know this and let it bring peace inside your fort today! The Alamo has a legacy, will yours after the crisis is over?