Jesus, please wake up!
One of my favorite stories in the Bible was when the disciples were in a boat freaking out about the waves crashing over them and Jesus was snoring (Mark 4:35-41). In fact He was at the bottom of the boat with His head on a pillow and literally sleeping though one of the scariest moments of their lives.
Think about it. The majority of the disciples were fishermen. They have had to have gone through storms before. It wasn’t a new thing to be tossed around with waves crashing and winds swirling. But this storm, this was different.
Here’s what’s crazy. They knew Jesus was with them. They had seen the miracles that happened when Jesus was with them. They knew He was up to something bigger than they ever imagined with His ministry…but yet fear gripped them. I think it was their fear that was truly tossing them around to and fro even more than the waves. Granted, physically the sea was insane, but the fear gripped them with insanity.
Back to Jesus snoring. Something clicked in their minds and the disciples went to the bottom of the boat, and woke Jesus up. They were like, don’t you care…how can you be sleeping now?! At a moment like this? Come on Jesus! We need you and we need you now!
Jesus got up, told the waves to chill and instantly it was peaceful. I’m sure Jesus smiled and went back to his pillow after having a talk about faith to his disciples. But get this…this is the part I never picked up on before I heard a podcast from Hope City:
The waves didn’t wake Jesus up. The wind didn’t wake Jesus up. Even the boat cracking against the waves. Jesus was sleeping through all of that. He slept through the outside distractions. The only thing that woke Jesus up was the fearful cries of His people. Then He responded. Immediately!
Whatever it is that you are going through that has you gripped in fear, tell Jesus about it. Maybe it’s the virus happening across the world. Maybe it’s broken relationships. Maybe it’s the grades. Maybe it’s the office. Maybe it’s your 401K. Maybe it’s….whatever it is that is tossing your spirit around and left you feeling like you are about to die in a hurricane gale force wind of fear. Call out to Jesus. Be real and ask Him where He is in all of it. That’s what the disciples did. They didn’t play church, instead they were confused and angry. Then, watch. Simply watch and see how Jesus will calm your fears immediately like He did for them. We will all go through various storms of fear that will try to break us. Jesus never promised life would be easy, but He did promise that He would walk beside us!
Jesus, calm the storms of fear in my life and I pray you would do the same for the readers. Amen.