Grace and Tree Branches

During our family retreat, I took Grace to the river front area. Her little hand in mine. She was talking up a storm and pointing to everything and asking broken English questions (she is two!). I asked her if she wanted to get higher…YES! So I held her on my side hip. She said…HIGHER! So I held her to my chest. HIGHER! So then I put her on my shoulders. HIGHER! I looked up and it was a tree branch. She wanted to touch the tree branch. I stretched out on my tippy toes and she stretched out using my head for leverage. YES!!!!! That’s the yell I heard when she touched the branch. She immediately started clapping.

Two questions to this blog:

Question #1: What are you reaching for? Are you asking you Daddy (being God) for help? Are you stretching as far as you can? Are leaning on Him for support?

Question #2: Who are you helping to reach their goals? Is there someone in your circle that is struggling and reaching for your help? Are you all-in to help them succeed?

If you answer YES to both questions, then you are on the right track. If you answered yes to question #1 but no to question #2, then you might need to change your focus off of yourself. If you answered YES to number #2 but no to #1, then maybe you need to see what your next dream should be.

May we all stretch for the next tree branch and help others grab theirs too!

Proud Daddy!

March 1, 2020