Dedicated to reYouth
Today I was able to get out into nature. That’s my happy place. It’s where I always hear from God. Today was no different.
I take that back. Today was different. I mean really different. I learned my kids schools are closed. I learned my toddlers daycare is closed. I learned that there is no toilet paper or soap anywhere around me. I learned that I will be working remotely while my wife has to go back to an empty classroom. I was reminded that the virus could land CFers like my babies in the hospital. In the midst of texting some of our youth group and responding to their quick hurrays of being out of school, they have real fears surrounding the virus that overshadowed the momentary hallelujahs. Today was very different.
But the one thing that stayed the same today is knowing that God is still good.
While my wife and I were soaking in nature, I saw this tree. It was growing on the river banks. It was a good size and I told my wife it’s a teenager tree. A lot older than a baby but not yet fully developed into one of the big ‘ole “hang a tire swing to a branch” tree. But it was definitely growing. It was growing despite being inches away from the riverbank. In theory that would be perfect, but only in theory.
The proximity to the water gives this teenager tree hardships. Constant flash flooding could stunt its growth, let alone uproot it entirely. Fish and other critters could nibble at its bark. It’s leaves could grow mildew and rot from the water. Algae could grow around its roots. Humans could push it around to get a better view of the fast moving current below. I mean I started to fill sorry for this teenage tree! Then on top of all that I saw where debris had hit it. In fact, there were parts of the tree that had debris hung so tightly around it, it looked liked it has multiple nooses. Some of the debris was around the very top limb, showing how at some point this tree was under water during a fast moving flash flood.
I thought, poor tree. But then God showed me something different. This little tree is a mighty big tree. Despite the debris, the stuff that got swept and thrusted onto the arms of this tree…it was still growing. Despite the hardships, this tree was the biggest around and its neighbors who didn’t have any debris on them where all smaller. This tree had leaves showing that it was growing and ready for summer. This tree has a purpose today and those debris, those scratches in the bark, that broken limb at the bottom…it was still growing with a purpose despite all that.
I write this to the teens I call family that I have the honor of pastoring too weekly. Despite the debris in your life right now: parents divorce, school closings, virus outbreaks, fear of college acceptance, UIL cancellations, broken relationships,…fill in the blank. Despite all the debris in our flash flood that is sweeping our country today, know that it is not over. Know that you have a purpose. Know that the debris from 2yrs ago is a testimony of who you are and who God is despite it all. Know that the debris happening right now, will not break you. Your roots are in the one they call Jesus and He is the miracle worker.
I am proud of you. Keep growing. Know that God never stops working, even during the flash floods that life brings. Don’t let the debris hold you down from your purpose.
Today was different, but God stayed the same.