Bedtime Stories & Wisdom
I was reading the Zax story to the boys tonight by Dr Seuss. It’s a short story of two people that were from different areas refusing to see the others point of view. They spent their entire lives standing in one place and not moving. Instead just arguing and yelling at each other believing the other was wrong. Eventually society built streets around them because they refused to move forward.
I told my boys, to often that’s what we do. Instead of listening and hearing each other out, we choose to only stay in our lane. Can you imagine how much more we can truly bless someone if we walk a mile in their shoes? We should take the time to consider others and see how we can make a difference in their lives.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16 NIV
When we sacrifice for others…it pleases God and it helps others. Let’s take what the Bible and Dr. Seuss said to heart!