Let it Go
What can be, won’t be, until you let go of what could have been. -Pastor Greg Kennedy
I joined hundreds of others online to watch the live Memorial Service for Pastor Greg at Open Door Church tonight. What a legacy. The service was powerful. That’s where I heard his quote from a previous sermon he had gave. It made me think: how much do I hold back because of regrets?
I immediately think about Paul in the Bible. He is the one that was previously known as Saul who was the mover and shaker in attacking and bringing down the Christian movement. He was raised in the church and one of the leading Biblical scholars of his day. Christians feared him and they were right in doing so. He thought bringing the practicing Christians down would help save his religion of what God was supposed to be.
One day he was struck with blindness while working on this “holy” crusade. His associates all panicked and where deliberating on what was next. Even Saul didn’t know what to do. But God healed him and then God gave him a name change to Paul. The relationship became more important than the religion to Paul.
Paul then wrote 13 books of the Bible telling account after account of faith and testimonies of Christ! He was trying to stop the movement as Saul but his life flipped the script and became one of the biggest proponent of it as Paul.
He could have had his salvation moment with forgiveness but die inside from the massive amounts of guilt. Instead he asked for forgiveness, received it, and moved forward with his calling. Imagine if stayed in the land of regret? That would have been a tragedy!
That’s where Pastor Greg’s words come into action for me. We can’t move forward if we are holding on to regrets of what could have been. Think about it, you never see athletes running with a parachute bag around their chests in the Olympics because it would create drag and cost them a medal! Instead they run full throttle forward.
Pastor Greg thank you for reminding me to live with no regrets!