Legacy: Pastor Greg
Today I talked to the teenagers about legacy. I asked them what is their legacy? What will be said about you when you graduate from high school? How you carry yourself will be etched into the year books. They were drawn into the discussion and I could see them recalling examples…some good and some bad…in their minds. We had some deep moments and the teens expressed how they wanted their legacy to be remembered when they graduated.
I was going to wrap it up but paused. Took a deep breath and asked about their legacies past high school. What about your legacy after it’s all said and done? What will they ultimately say about you at your funeral? Will it be a time of warm memories? Will people step forward and share how you showed them Jesus? Will they say how you put others first in every area of your life?
That’s when I lost it for a moment. I shared a legacy that was fresh in my mind. I had learned a hour before that my childhood pastor, Pastor Greg Kennedy went to see the Lord today. His son and I were very close friends and I spent a lot of time at his house and youth group at the church. If it wasn’t for him having Open Door church, then I would never have been in a youth group. That youth group introduced me to Kenn and Joseph who introduced me to see Jesus in a real, tangible way. Kenn became the biggest mentor, big brother, and best friend that helped me through my parents divorce and everything else that’s happened in my life sense. I can’t imagine not ever meeting him! If Pastor Greg didn’t start the church then I would never have known Jonathon or Chuck who are more like brothers than friends. If Pastor Greg didn’t start the church I would never have gone to youth camp with Kenn and met more mentors in John and Amy, which became my own camp speakers 20yrs later. It was at summer camp that I heard God’s voice calling me into ministry. That was my junior year in high school and fast toward to today…and I’m preaching to a group of teenagers still! I can trace it all back to being in sixth grade at Open Door Church. A church that Greg Kennedy decided to create! That’s legacy.
That’s just one small leaf of the legacy tree that he left behind which he imparted to my life and there are thousands of more branches!
I’ll ask you the same question that I asked the teens tonight: What legacies are you leaving behind in people? Are you pouring out into people in a way that causes them to pour out to others?
I dedicate this post to a leader who started a church and had a community call him Pastor. His legacy continues today through me and thousands more that have been blessed to know him. Pastor Greg, thank you.