God and Netflex
I really left youth so pumped and inspired last night. It was one of those lessons where I could see the teens getting it. I stressed that they go home and re-read the chapter and have more conversations with God. To often teenagers will make their only time with God at a youth service. Adults, before you say YES, we do the same thing! Admit it!
It’s like we treat God like we treat Netflix. We find a show, binge watch it and once it’s over, it is over. I did this with the show “Breaking Bad”. Three years ago, I think I watched the entire series in two weeks…wife, full time job, youth ministry, kids, and home repairs…that was dedication. I loved it so much. I had to watch the next episode! I was committed and excited every time I heard the dum-dum sound and when the red “Netflex” popped up on my TV! Unfortunately we do that with God when we go to church, outreach, camp, and retreats. We soak Him in, and then when it’s over it’s over. Back to the grind.
It doesn’t have to be like this friends. In fact Matthew 6:11 captures Jesus’ prayer: Give us TODAY our daily bread. The emphasis “Today” is in the Robbie translation.
Why do we stop binging on Gods voice for a season? Imagine waking up and having coffee with the creator, worship in the car on the way to work, break times is spent listening for his Word, and a fire sat chat with him that evening.
For those who like old school connections, here it is: Exodus 16:11-18. The Israelites were on a journey trying to figure out who they were, what they needed to do next, and living in fear (hmmm…sound familiar?). Moses advised that mana would be provided for the people…daily. They weren’t allowed to take more or less, but just enough for God to sustain them on their journey.
It’s time to take your daily mana. It’s time that you discover how much better He is than just at a service. Let the service be the catalyst, be the launching point for what He wants to share for the rest of the week.
Don’t binge watch God, his seasons are new every morning!