Fresh Revelation!
How crazy would it be to show up to work wearing your 5th grade attire? For me it would be a pair of black and green umbros and a white Air Jordan t-shirt. Plus my two tone LA Gear sneakers. Back in the day I was on point. Wow. Well maybe not, but it’d be worse if I wore it to work today!
What if I went to the gas station thinking I would get a full tank of gas for $10. Today’s prices are much different than when I was 16. That would only fill a quarter of a tank today!
I love a cold can of Coke Zero when it’s fresh, but if you take one sip and then leave it in the sun all day…it’s just not the same that night. It’s flat and stale tasting.
So why do we expect last week’s church lesson to sustain us for today? Do not get me wrong, be a part of your local church but that should be your foundation for the rest of the week! Why do we think about summer camp from 20yrs ago as the catalyst that will sustain us for today? Again having, foundation is great, but truly grow. I think it’s sad when Christians go to church on Sunday and they check it off their to do list for the week. They will have to wait till next Sunday to get that spiritual “fix”. Thursday is pretty tough if the last time you had a moment with God was last Sunday.
So here is what I propose. Let’s make today count. Let’s not live in the past. Those umbros were comfortable, but I have outgrown the fad. I will bring $30 to fill up the gas tank instead of $10. I’m going to throw away the old soft drink, and grab a new one from the fridge. I will ask God to breathe something new into my spirit today. Summer camps were my turning points for my personal faith but they aren’t the dead ends for my spiritual life. Last week’s sermon was great, but I need something fresh today! He wants to give us a fresh revelation!
“GOD ’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with GOD (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.”
Lamentations 3:22-24 MSG
My prayer is that we stick with God seven days a week and not just one day, if that. If we are truly ready to learn and grow spiritually for ourselves, our family, and our community it will take more than that!
Take a few minute with God now. Put on some worship. Praise Him! Get the fresh revelation that your spirit is craving. Listen to a Podcast. Journal. Just get active with Jesus!