What A Beautiful Loan
Tobymac has lost his son and wrote a song about it. I can’t imagine going through the loss of a son or daughter and I have friends who have. They are some of the strongest folks I know. I saw the video on Facebook and it made me stop everything and watch it a couple of times to digest the words.
I’m praying for you tonight. Specifically for the parents whose kids who are waking up in Heaven. There will come a day when you are reunited with them in Heaven and I cannot imagine what that reunion will be like. The lyric “God has you in Heaven, but I have you in my heart” breaks me. Again, speechless and humbled.
I write this while my kids are sleeping in their beds. My wife and I will wake them up for school and head to work tomorrow morning while chugging coffee. But not this upcoming morning. I will look them in the eyes and remind them how important and special they are both to us and to Jesus. Life is to short no matter your kids age. We can’t take that for granted.
I will close this post with the way the song ends:
21 years, makes a man full-grown
21 years, what a beautiful loan
21 years, I love every one
Thank You, Lord, for my beautiful son