Waiting To See
We are sitting in the Cystic Fibrosis clinic with My son Josiah. He’s waiting for his monthly check up to get pricked, weighed, prodded, poked, counseled, admitted/non admittance talks, and who knows what else?! I’m waiting to hold his hand and remind him we are in this together.
I posed the question on Facebook today asking how often God gives you the full picture when He tells you something.
Everyone responded: never. I agree! We had a word from God that someday Josiah would be healed from this terrible disease. We got that eleven years ago. Do I know how or when…no, because we can’t see the full picture He is painting. It’s like I’m driving through the fog, but trusting the road doesn’t end…here.
Think about it, from space the earth is round. If you stood on my street, you’d think it’s flat. But we know that’s it round because we can see the full picture. God sees the full picture, but we can’t. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a picture though.
Think of your favorite Bible heroes. Moses was told to lead his people out of Egypt but God didn’t tell Him about the sea splitting. David was told he would be king one day, but the next week he was still hanging out in a field tending his dad’s sheep. Even the disciples didn’t fully understand Jesus when He told them about the Kingdom coming. They thought it was political when Jesus actually meant spiritual. These Biblical heroes got a word from God but had to trust in it because they couldn’t see the full picture.
Today, live out the promises you received. It might be fulfilled tonight or forty years from now. Trust in the one that gave you the promise and know that He is at work. We can’t see it just yet, but it is all lining up like dominoes. He doesn’t lie!
It’s going to be ok.
Alright, I hear the doctors talking outside our door. Time to turn off the phone and cheer on Josiah. I’m trusting in the dreams God has for us, and trust in yours too.
It’s not over, but only begun!