Position Yourself Correctly
Have you ever been at a place you knew you should not be? You will have the best of intentions but you inch toward something…closer and closer. It’s like when I tell my kids not to do something they will get as close as they can to not doing it…but then they do it. They get to that line…and stumble past it. We will have that knowledge that we shouldn’t do something, but at a moments weakness we cave in.
It’s like that third donut. You know you should only have one. The second one isn’t a big deal, it’s only one donut right? Then ten minutes later that third donut is somehow screaming out your name! It’s because you should have left after that first donut.
Genesis 3:6 has the story of Eve being where she shouldn’t be, thinking about things she shouldn’t be thinking , and ultimately acting out on what she knew was wrong.
It actually started back at the beginning of chapter 3 when the serpent started spreading malice against the truth she knew. She should have stopped it then and said, ok…have a great day…bye! But she didn’t. Instead she engaged and got closer to the lie. She has to be moving closer to it because at verse 6 she saw that the tree looked liked it was good. Notice the message translation said “looked like it was good”. Finally she took that third donut…in her case the fruit. Then she brought it to Adam. Instantly afterwards, she knew she was wrong.
She did not position herself correctly. She needed to be far away from that spot but instead she got closer and closer. It was a slow fade because I doubt she woke up saying, “Today is the day I build the rift between God and mankind”. But thankfully God has grace for her and for us!
Where are you today? Are you positioning yourself towards where you need to be? Take an evaluation of your thoughts. Check out your actions. Review your goal. Are you zigging when you should be zagging?
STOP. If you are. Take a complete 180 turn in the opposite direction. It’s never to late. God gave Adam and Eve grace. He does the same for us. Sure there are consequences to every choice and decision, but grace and forgiveness is always there as well.
Don’t get near the tree, the temptation, the fruit of good and evil, or the third donut. Position yourself to be the blessing that your community, family, and you need!