The Waiting
On the last day of the retreat I sent the teens out to find a spot and have a conversation about waiting. Sometimes God chooses for us to wait before the answer comes in. But what makes the difference is what we do in the waiting season. Will we continue to seek and grow while we wait and trust?
I found this dead bush sitting beside me. What caught my eye is the smaller green bush growing underneath it. See the picture and see if you see it!
I called everyone back together and showed them the little green bush underneath the huge dead one. I was so excited. Truthfully, I’m getting excited again typing!
Right now it doesn’t look great in the waiting for that little green bush. That idea…that seed…that small plant is growing but it is over shadowed by the dead one hovering over it. How often does that happen with us? We get intimidated by our circumstances. God I feel like I need to do this….but how, are you sure, I mean it could happen right? It’s to much, etc.
No. That is so wrong. If God said it, it will happen. So this just means that you have to wait. Trust God. Water that plant, that idea that He gave you. Wait. Wait for Him to make a way! Stay diligent and lean on Him for understanding.
I told the teens if we got in a plane and flew over this mountainside we would never see it. That doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact it might be hard to see it in this picture! That doesn’t mean it’s not there. It is just in the growing and waiting stage.
The waiting could last for 1 day, 20yrs, or more. Moses had wait before the Israelites were free. Noah had to wait and built the ark before the flood. David was told he was to be King but waited to grow up. Joseph had to wait in jail before becoming a high ranking official. They key with them and for us is hear His voice and stay diligent in serving Him.
While you wait speak life. Dare to dream and Live the vision!