Dads, Invest In Your Kids
I had today off. The kids were in school. My wife was at work. It would’ve been a great time to phone it in. Netflix, haircut, redbox, and the couch. But instead I did the opposite. I worked.
I didn’t work in the office. I didn’t work in the yard. Instead I did dad work. I took Grace to childcare and took the boys out for donuts. We laughed and made memories eating kolaches and oranges iced with sprinkles donuts. Then I dropped them off at school.
Lunch time came around and I brought Levi Chick-fil-A. We had 40minutes of goofing off. A hour later I did the same for Josiah.
After school went to HEB to get groceries. Then we got Grace and went to Petsmart. Stayed for a hour looking at cats, birds, fish, and the snakes.
Once we got home the boys played basketball, while Grace and I watched Cinderella and played with her princess. After dinner I tucked them in and said our prayers.
I did work today but it’s the best type of work. People invest in their ministry, in their possible promotion, and 401K but forget to invest in their kids. Your number one investment should always be your kids and spouse.
Men, be the dads your kids need you to be. Invest in their legacies. Our Daddy in heaven is a great model because he does work every day for us!
Speak life to you kids. Teach them to dare to dream and live the vision!
Thank you Robbie!