Bullying. It Got Levi.
Bullying is real. What do you tell your 5yr old son when he tells you that he had a bad day because they called him piggy.
They were playing football at the school and he made a bad pass, which caused the bullying.
I wiped tears off his face and told him they were crazy. I reminded him that there is only one Levi Bridges in the world. I reminded him that God created him so unique and special. I got him to flex and I talked about his muscles from all the milk he “hydrates” with for muscles. I pointed to his brain and asked what 1+1= equals…he giggled and said 2. I was like SEE, Einstein who?! I reminded him he’s got moves like Jagger and swag like Tobymac. He smiled again.
But then I got serious and looked him in the eyes and told him: it doesn’t matter what anybody else says or thinks…His Daddy in Heaven and his daddy on earth are very proud and that matters more than any school yard bully trying to gain acceptance by trash talking. God I hope that truth got prime real estate in his spirit tonight.
During bed time I read the Crucifixion story and emphasized Jesus asking God to forgive the ones persecuting and mocking him. I looked at Levi and told him that’s what real men do. He smiled and said “ok I’ll try” then drifted asleep.
That broke my heart. Then four hours later I was thinking about how much I want that too. I want everyone to like me. When someone doesn’t it keeps me up at night. Literally I want to people to be happy with me. I have to remind myself that if I made Daddy proud (Daddy being God) today then that’s better than any superficial reward or recognition.
God help my unbelief. God help me to see what you see in me. Quiet the bullies in my life, at least make their voices a whisper. Help me share the truth to everyone I come in contact with, including you the reader. If you are reading this, know that He has a plan and purpose that only you are equipped to do. Don’t listen to the voices that makes the truth foggy, instead listen to what He is telling you! He has called us His own.
Let that simmer inside for a minute!
Love It! And the sad thing is bullying has been around forever and one day everyone will have to face theirs. You must stand up to them and believe in yourself when no one else does. Know that God is with you and watching over you. To be a Christian does not mean you have to be abused or misused. Levi you are standing strong and have exhibited strength that you are not even aware of. May God bless you!